Welcome to Cypherville Ordinals, a mysterious world inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain forever. Cypherville is inhabited by 16 strange creatures that fight for the future of Bitcoin. Cypherville is in a state of constant war between the good and the bad, and it is up to you to figure out who is who. As you dive deeper into this world, you will find yourself in the midst of a tumultuous battle. The creatures of Cypherville fight relentlessly, using their unique abilities to try to gain the upper-hand in the war. Some creatures have special powers that allow them to take control of the battlefield, while others rely on brute strength to overpower their opponents. You will also discover a unique set of social rules and customs that exist in Cypherville. The creatures interact and combat with one another according to intricate, yet mysterious rules. Your mission is to safeguard the future of Bitcoin. Good luck! Lemonhaze's Official Website → bylemonhaze.xyz

Cypherville #1 Inscription 12136 Type: Cypher

Owned by Lemonhaze

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This hyper sophisticated creature is equipped with high-tech weaponry and advanced artificial intelligence capabilities, making it a battle-hardened soldier-spy in Cypherville.

Cypherville #2 Inscription 12322 Type: Ballz Head


This enchanted creature possesses powerful arcane powers, allowing it to cast powerful spells on its opponents, manipulate the elements, and create illusions. Its mystical abilities makes it a formidable force in Cypherville.

Last sale: 0.069 BTC

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Cypherville #3 Inscription 14630 Type: Cypher

Last sale: 0.069 BTC

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This brawny creature uses its raw strength and agility to dominate its opponents in combat. Its equipped with heavy-duty armor and a vast array of weapons, making it a serious threat to any who stand in its way in Cypherville.

Cypherville #4 Inscription 14653 Type: Medusa & Micro-Organism


This powerful and malicious creature is armed with toxic venom and a sharp gaze that provides the ability to debilitate and destroy its enemies. Beware of her beauty, as she has the capacity to wreak havoc on any who cross her path in Cypherville.

Last sale: 0.11 BTC

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Cypherville #5 Inscription 32948 Type: Spudz

Last sale: 0.069 BTC

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This small creature is known for its legendary tenacity. Its bone crushing shell and deadly smoke thrower makes it a formidable opponent in a fight. Always ready for a challenge, Spudz are considered the honey badgers of Cypherville.

Cypherville #6 Inscription 36337 Type: Monument


This creature of immense stature and strength stands as tall as a building. Its equipped with powerful weapons, sophisticated armor, and helmet that features advanced technology that makes its presence feared on the battlefields of Cypherville.

Last sale: 0.069 BTC

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Cypherville #7 Inscription 44970 Type: Hybrid (Cypher-Monument)

Last sale: 0.281 BTC

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This hybrid creature is an unparalleled blend of strength and wisdom. It moves with a grace and agility rarely seen in its peers, yet its imposing physique commands respect. It cast spells and its naturally superior intelligence grants it the ability to strategize the most complex combats in Cypherville.

Cypherville #8 Inscription 53670 Type: Hybrid (Teleportik - Ballz Head)


This formidable creature boasts a lemon head that serves as the source of its immense power, capable of teleporting and launching supersonic energy balls. Its psychokinetic abilities and unmatched speed make it a deadly opponent on the battlefields of Cypherville.

Last sale: 0.069 BTC

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Cypherville #9 Inscription 61249 Type: Hybrid (Teleportik - Monument)

Last sale: 0.069 BTC

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This majestic creature possesses advanced targeting systems, allowing it to swiftly eliminate enemy targets and provide crucial intelligence to its allies. Its ability to teleport and engage in combat from multiple angles makes it a lethal opponent in Cypherville.

Cypherville #10 Inscription 61309 Type: Cypher


A master of combat, this athletic creature is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including an intricate sensor system and an arsenal of devastating weapons. Its speed, strength, and agility make it a fearsome rival in the battles of Cypherville.

Last sale: 0.069 BTC

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Cypherville #11 Inscription 76707 Type: Micro-Cypher

Owned by Lemonhaze

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This charming creature has advanced AI and loves to learn and explore. It travels through the universe of Cypherville making friends and solving problems. Dangerous creatures can't help but love it, as its innocence and kind heart make it a joy to be around.

Cypherville #12 Inscription 131347 Type: Hybrid (Monument- Teleportik)


This vessel-shaped creature is a master of electronic warfare, able to jam enemy signals and disrupt their communication systems with ease. Its perfect satellite vision allows it to pinpoint the location of enemy targets, making it a valuable asset for both offensive and defensive operations in Cypherville.

Last sale: 0.17 BTC

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Cypherville #13 Inscription 131259 Type: Hybrid (Teleportik - Spudz)

Last sale: 0.069 BTC

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This versatile creature is a master of deception and misdirection, able to use its teleportation abilities and toxic gas thrower to confuse and disorient enemies. Its robust shell makes it a very strong defender, perfect to safeguard Cypherville's most crucial infrastructure.

Cypherville #14 Inscription 143500 Type: Monument


Towering above all, this warrior strikes fear into the hearts of any who dare to threaten his people. He is equipped with the finest weapons and armor, and his fighting skills are second to none. He is a fierce defender in Cypherville, and his enemies know it all too well.

Last sale: 0.069 BTC

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Cypherville #15 Inscription 329545 Type: Teleportik

Last Sale: 0.069 BTC

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This vicious and sneaky creature is a harbinger of darkness and destruction. It uses its maleficent powers to sow chaos and discord wherever it goes, striking without warning and disappearing just as quickly. Its loyalty is to no one, and it is feared by all who know of its dark power.

Cypherville #16 Inscription 419696 Type: Cypher


This Cypher's strength lies in its unique vacuum-like capacity, which allows it to grip onto enemies and suck their soul. While it may not be the most agile or speedy, its ultrasonic blast is a powerful tool that can paralyze opponents. Its ability to disable enemies and drain their energy make this Cypher a feared opponent in Cypherville.

Last Sale: 0.069 BTC

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